Yüksek Lisansa Başvuracaklar İçin Yüksek Lisans Niyet Mektubu Örneği

4 Paylaşım

Merhaba! Daha önce birçok kişiyle paylaştığım niyet mektubu örneğimi bu kez buraya ekleyerek daha kolay ulaşılır olmasını istiyorum. Özellikle Almanya’da yüksek lisansa başvuru rehberimiz ve aynı zamanda bu konuda çektiğimiz video sonrası yüksek lisans niyet mektubu örneği konusunda birçok mail aldığım için buraya ekleyerek cevap veremediklerimize hızlı cevap vermek istiyoruz. Ben bu niyet mektubuyla birçok Alman üniversitesine başvurdum. Umarım siz de bu niyet mektubunu örnek alarak kendi özgün içeriğinizi yazarak başvurularınızı yaparsınız. Bunun dışında Almanya’da yüksek lisans hakkında yazdığımız birçok yazı Almanya’da Yaşam kategorimizde bulunuyor. Başvuru öncesi alt üst etmeyi ihmal etmeyin:) Şimdiden başarılar diliyoruz. Bizi sosyal mecralarımızdan takip ederseniz Almanya hakkında daha birçok güncel bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz. Sevgiyle kalın!

Yüksek Lisans Motivasyon Mektubu Örneği

1. Niyet Mektubu Örneği

Having completed my primary school education and after passing the exam, taking part in 2% in all Turkish high school candidate students, I enrolled X High School where had given intensive English and basic science and math classes. During my studies at high school, I had joined many projects and events. One of them was XX that we prepared social project and presented it together with my team to the council. We finished in third place between 68 projects and it was the first team experiment ended with great success. When I completed high school education, my interest in math and science became prominent that is why I choose engineering and enrolled X department at Y University. After my 2nd term, I applied for the double major program with X Engineering Department and received an acceptance with GPA XX/4.00. In my 3rd and 5th terms, I was awarded a special award for being the most successful student in the department. Also, I have a scholarship from XX between the years 2009 to 2014. Finally, on February 2013 I was awarded my team by XX BEST Engineering Case Study Silver Medal in the local round in Istanbul. I am graduated from X department in July 2014 in fourth place and next year I graduated from Y department in July 2015. Now, I work in X for the Y position.
ITU, which proved its qualified education with an ABET certificate, is one of the most privileged engineering universities in Turkey. During my undergraduate education, I have worked on several projects. As my senior design project for X engineering, I researched about Y. On the other hand, for my double major’s research project, I designed a XXX. In my thesis project, I have searched about XXX and have made analytical SWOT analysis for positioning XX brand in the market. I also have adequate knowledge in of ERP systems, MATLAB and MS Office programs. In my second department, I had bla bla courses. By the help of those courses, I have a chance of supporting my technical knowledge with organizational and management knowledge.
Besides theoretical education, I also try to gain ability in practice. I have joined XXX as a long term intern and worked for one year. I work with Brussel team. I have been learning lots of things about the working environment in a global company, communication of working people and team work. Then I have joined the Y company since June 2015. I work as a XX. I am responsible for XXX. I would like to state that I am trying to be a good engineer, working in different areas and I will never be fed up about working hard. All these projects, work experiences and researches help me for introducing with an engineering and now I would like to research deeper with these Master degree and I believe that I will gain a perfect knowledge and have a great opportunity in a business area.
Along with my whole education life, I tried to improve myself not only in the field of science but also social matters. I have been a founder member and chairman of XXX Society for two years. In this society, we did workshops XXX. Moreover, we have been publishing a monthly literature magazine and I am an editor and owner of it. Beside of XXX society, I was also a member of YYY Society for four years. I have a passion about taking photos all over the world, learning new cultures and telling the stories of people with photos. During these four years at university, I organized and attended many seminars, exhibitions, workshops and travelled most of the cities in Turkey and Europe. In the meantime; I enhance my leadership, entrepreneurship skills and observe human relationships. These whole social matters make me feel happy, provide good friendship relations and help me to learn more about life.
I would like to apply Master in XXXXX to improve my skills that I gained from my previous education and work experiences. Also, I would like to have deeper knowledge of cultures and languages. I believe that Master XXX can provide me this breath-taking experience.
Having world-leading research opportunities, academic heritage, multicultural environment and strong links to global industry are the aspects of this M.Sc. which raised my attention to focus on this master program. Since the content of course offers what I want from graduate schools, strong faculties and solid background, I will be glad to attend to the Master Program.
4 Paylaşım
  1. Yaziniz ve youtube kanalinizdaki yuksek lisans basvuru sureci ile ilgili videonuz icin tesekkurler. Acaba yuksek lisans basvurularinda kullanilabilecek akademik bir CV'nin nasil hazirlanmasi gerektiginden de bahsedebilir misiniz? Diğer okuyucular icin de yararli olacagini dusunurseniz böyle bir bilgilendirme yazisini bekliyor olacağım 🙂

  2. Selam Bahar
    bu paylaşımın o kadar değerli ki.. Çok teşekkürler ama bir umut mail adresini rica etsem ve kendi hazırladığım motivasyon mektubunu sana göndersem ve şöyle bir baksan göz ucuyla ne iyi olur..

  3. emeğinize sağlık! o kadar değerli ki benim için anlatamam. Bir sorum olacak. eşim de benimle beraber başvuracak. eş birleşimi için de motivasyon mektubu yazmak durumunda mıdır?

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